Data Verification

Your data verified by our expert data scientists against the most up to date accurate information available.
Man working on a laptop

No more dirty data

IP data is notoriously corrupt and dirty. Issues include incorrect bibliographic data, wrong or not updated legal statuses, incorrect family relationships, etc. Our team of data experts harness their experience and proprietary machine learning technology to provided the cleanest possible data sets for you.
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Our service in detail

Data verification is a process in which different types of data are checked for accuracy and inconsistencies after data migration is done. Data verification helps to determine whether data was accurately translated when data is transferred from one source to another, is complete, and supports processes in the new system. During verification, there may be a need for a parallel run of both systems to identify areas of disparity and forestall erroneous data loss.

RightHub's competent IP Paralegals contribute to delivering high quality to our clients, providing us with both security and flexibility in planning our operations.

Johan Örtenblad, CEO Noréns Patentbyrå
Let's build the new industry standard together - RightHub is built to enable law firms to continue supporting innovation and generate more revenue.